Sunday, November 30, 2008

They're Back!!!

Woohoooooo! Momma and Daddy are back home wif us! They hadded a grate time in San Antonio, and sed they will post a few pics soon (and/or make a linkie to all of the pics). Auntie Alicia looked beautiful!!! So, we guess that means we just gotted a new "Uncle"..... we sees Uncle Jon alla time a'cause he lifs where we do (but not wif us), while he is learning to fly planes like Daddy. We won't see Auntie Alicia until Christmastime. That make us (and Momma) kinda sad.

We hope efurrycat hadded a grate Turkey Day, and fanks to those who stopped by.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy (Early) Thanksgiving!!

We wanted to wish all y'all a furry Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy the turkey bird, ham, & all of the ofur grate foods. Momma and Daddy will be gone, which is why we're posting this today. They are going to San Antonio fur Auntie Alicia's wedding!!! (Momma sed we can post sum pic-shurs when she gets back). So, again, anycat that has too many beans or sticky people at there howse are welcome to come chill ofur heer.

Happy Turkey Day & safe travels,
~Meeko, Kiara, Momma, & Daddy

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Snowy (Pict-shurs) Sunday

Heer are sum pict-shurs frum Colorado Springs and Oklahoma City. It's the closest we'll get to snow this year! Enjoy!!

What Momma and Daddy WON'T be doing anytime soon!!
(This wuz a'fore Momma gotted her new coat and sweet goggles!!)

Momma "trying" to shovel owr front walk in C. Springs.

Owr back patio in C. Springs

Owr howse in OKC after all the bad ice storms.

"Real" icicle lights on owr howse!!

'Kay...that's all we gots fur now. Hope y'all hadded a grate week and enjoy the short week ahead!!
pee ess- The following is a note frum Uncle Dan that he leeved in the comments. We wanted to make shur that y'all gotted to see it!
Hey, guys, this is Uncle Dan. Thanks so much to Meeko and Kiara for the post and to all others for the thoughts and prayers. My grandpa was buried yesterday at Quantico, VA, and while I was not able to be there for that, I was glad to be able to be there Monday for the service and viewing. Chaos sends his love and is glad to have his Dad back home after the long weekend. He has expressed this repeatedly by running around the house at full speed every time I leave a room...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stalking/Silly Saturday

What a day we had!!! Ferst....we gotted to stalk the silly squirrleys owt back. Check owt the picshurs....

This wuz this mornin'...
This is frum a few days ago...when it wuz sunny.
Yes...he is right owtside owr door begging fur pecans frum Momma!

Then...we gotted silly wif owr nip plant that Momma broughted inside fur us!!!

Kiara checkin' it owt REAL good....

What happens when you check owt the nip TOO closely...

Meeko playin' it cool...

Then, this afternoon, Momma wuz silly and putted up owr owtside Christmas lights!! Can you a'lieve it?!!? She sed a'cause it wuz nice owt today, and they are going to be gone most of the next week, why not do it today. They aren't lit yet. Momma and Daddy are goin' to San Antonio fur Thanksgiving fur Auntie Alicia's wedding!!! Momma is in the wedding too. But she's not getting married, only Auntie Alicia. So if anycat has too many bisitors at their own howse, feel free to come ofur heer. Ms Amanda will be taking care of us, so there will be plenty of food and water and maybe sum treats. Owr V-E-T gived owr Momma sum Temptations fur us when she boughted owr special foods the ofur day. Maybe we'll break those owt too!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Purrs needed!!

Hi y'all! We are askin' fur prayers fur owr Uncle Dan. Him's grandpa wuz killed in a motorcycle accident the ofur morning. Uncle Dan is in Mississippi goin' to flight skool (like Daddy), his brofur is in CA, sisfur in FL, and his parents are in Indonesia continueing their missionary work there. His dad and brofur aren't going to be able to travel back to VA for the services. If y'all could keep them all in yur prayers, that would be AWESOME!! This am his bloggie. BTW...Uncle Dan ALSO rides motorcycles, and has 2 in his garage! His Mom isn't too a'citied 'bout that right now.

We'll try to do a post this weekend, but don't make any promises!! Hope effurrycat has a grate weekend!