2 hours ago
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Sicky Saturday
Well....bof Rachael and Daddy are sicky!! Rachael is hafing tummy "issues", an ear infection, and teething all at the same time! And Daddy gots the creepy cruds starting to creep up on him. So , we's gonna spend lotsa time purring on him. Hope y'all haf a grate weekend!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Munchkin Monday
We wanted ta share this grate bideo of Rachael and Daddy playing. Rachael started laughing when Momma sang along to "Sweet Caroline" (bum bum, bum). No, Momma ISN'T singing in da bideo. Enjoy!!
pee ess- Rachael gotted her ferst tooth!!! And her second one is on it's way. So, that made for a cranky baby ofur the weekend!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Kiara heer.
I wanna say FANKS fur alla the purrfday wishes!!! I effen gotted wishes frum new friends! I hadded a grate time wif efurrycat that camed to hang owt wif us. I gotted treats, special stinky goodness, scritches, a GINORMUS cat nip ball (Pics to follow when I'm not crashed owt sleepin' off the nip!), and my own special water glass to drink owt of. Sorry I's so long in posting this, but wif Mimi bisitin' and Valentine's Day and Momma tryin' to get stuff packed up around heer, it's been a little busy.
Fanks again!!!
I wanna say FANKS fur alla the purrfday wishes!!! I effen gotted wishes frum new friends! I hadded a grate time wif efurrycat that camed to hang owt wif us. I gotted treats, special stinky goodness, scritches, a GINORMUS cat nip ball (Pics to follow when I'm not crashed owt sleepin' off the nip!), and my own special water glass to drink owt of. Sorry I's so long in posting this, but wif Mimi bisitin' and Valentine's Day and Momma tryin' to get stuff packed up around heer, it's been a little busy.
Fanks again!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Kiara heer.
Today am my 8th purrfday!!! I haven't gotten any pressies yet.....Momma sez I can haf them later. I fink that Momma, Daddy, Rachael, and Mimi (she came to bisit me) are gonna be gone most of the day, so if'n any of y'all want to teleport ofur to celly-brate wifme....come on ofur!!! We gots pleny of treats, fresh water, and stinky goodness. And the best part....NO SNOW!!!
I'll let y'all know what kind of goodies I get later.
Today am my 8th purrfday!!! I haven't gotten any pressies yet.....Momma sez I can haf them later. I fink that Momma, Daddy, Rachael, and Mimi (she came to bisit me) are gonna be gone most of the day, so if'n any of y'all want to teleport ofur to celly-brate wifme....come on ofur!!! We gots pleny of treats, fresh water, and stinky goodness. And the best part....NO SNOW!!!
I'll let y'all know what kind of goodies I get later.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Meeko heer.
Oh My Cod!!! Rachael touched me today! She ax-shully hadded the NERVE to touch my bee-u-tee-full tail!! Mind you, she didn't pull any furs owt....but still! AND Momma wuz holding her while she did it! I'm not too shur how I feel 'bout this happening. Kiara has let Rachael pet her a'fore and is still alive to meow about it, so I guess it's OK. As long as she doesn't make a habit owt of it, I can suffer efurry once and a while.
Hope y'all are hafing a good weekend. We's gettin' ready to watch the Sooper Bowl!
Heer's a pic-shur of me (Meeko) guarding the girl scout cookies!! It wuz a tough job, but SOMECAT had to do it!
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