Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Update:: Nefurmind...blog rolling hadded the hiccups we fink. It am all fixeded now. Fanks for the info y'all!
Monday, September 25, 2006
My playdate wif Victor wuz fun! We layed in the sunspots, played wif fev-vers, watched the squirells and birdies, ate temp-tey-shuns, and did a little snuggling. We're not a "couple" yet..he's not quite sure what he wants to do. Momma sez that that's not too un-usual for boys . We did have a good time hanging out though....don't get me wrong. He's a great friend to have. Hopefully he'll come hang out some more.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
My friend Victor Tabbycat is coming to visit me today!! Yes...ME!!! Well, Meeko and Kiara will be here too. His momma is werkin' lots, so he decided to come here. I'm sooooooo a'cited!! I hadded a great time visitin' wif him at Charlie's party. I know he wuz hopin' to lay on the stairs in the sun, but I fink the weather is gonna be icky out. Cloudy, rainy, and chilly. But...it will be perfect for snugglin'. Momma will be here for a little while, sleepin', a'fore she has to go back to werk tonight. But...she sed that she'd put out extra water, stinky goodness, nip, fev-vers, and ofur toys. And, she'll leave the blinds open in case the sun decides to come out, so we can lay in the sunbeams. We can watch the birdies and squirrels too!
Yea!! I can't wait!!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
What a week!!!
Ferst....Momma gotted a new jobbie!! Yea! Now she only has to drive 10 minutes instead of 45 or so. AND she'll be werking in the mornings/ daytime and not at night anymore. We am all the way a'cited 'bout it ( and so is she!).
Second....Daddy flew his plane all by himself on thursday!! That's a preety big thing. We am soooo proud of him!!!
Therd.... Mimi wented back to her werk on wednesday. She's still a little tired, but feeling better efurry day.
Last nite we wented to not one, but TWO parties!!! One wuz fur Ayla's purrfday and the ofur wuz fur Charlie's Gotcha Day. We hadded 56 kinds of fun!! And Emmy wuz seen cuddling with Victor Tabbycat.
We were trying to post pic-shures of all of our fluff....but blogger won't let us. Grrr! Maybe tomorrow?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Not All Heroes Are People
No matter the storm, when you are with God, there's always a rainbow
James Crane worked on the 101st floor of Tower 1 of the World Trade Center. He is blind so he has a golden retriever named Daisy. After the plane hit 20 stories below, James knew that he was doomed, so he let Daisy go, out of an act of love. She darted away into the darkened hallway. Choking on the fumes of the jet fuel and the smoke James was just waiting to die. About 30 minutes later, Daisy comes back along with James' boss, who Daisy just happened to pick up on floor 112.
On her first run of the building, she leads James, James' boss, and about 300 more people out of the doomed building. But she wasn't through yet, she knew there were others who were trapped. So, highly against James' wishes she ran back in the building.
On her second run, she saved 392 lives. Again she went back in. During this run, the building collapses. James hears about this and falls on his knees into tears. Against all known odds, Daisy makes it out alive, but this time she is carried by a firefighter. "She led us right to the people, before she got injured" the fireman explained.
Her final run saved another 273 lives. She suffered acute smoke inhalation, severe burns on all four paws, and a broken leg, but she saved 967 lives. The next week, Mayor Guilaini rewards Daisy with the Canine medal of Honor of New York. Daisy is the first civilian Canine to win such an honor.
I hope you enjoyed this story. I thought it was terrific!
Monday, September 11, 2006
New York Pictures~ My Tribute is Below
The Light Beams
The patch for Ten House
(note the Twin Towers the fireman is standing on)
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The 2,996- Sean Patrick Tallon

When aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center's twin towers, it was New York City's Bravest that did what they did best - head directly in to danger, in order to save lives. Firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs - side by side - as was the case so many times before.
Together with members of that city's Finest, they made their way to the heart of the tragedy. Grabbing their gear, the firefighters began rushing into the gigantic structures to assist with their safe evacuation, while the paramedics and EMTs began tending to the injured below.
It was while doing those jobs - in the kind of rescue that they had performed so well, so many times - that their lives were taken from us. (Taken from here)
Sean Patrick "Charger" Tallon was one of those such men. At 26, he had only a month or so left of being a "probie" (a probationary firefighter). Sean was one of the first responders, along with the other members of Ten House. Their station was right across the street from the World Trade Center. On the way up the stairs of Tower One, Sean helped a fellow firefighter that was having a heart attack, then he continued up with two more of his fellow firemen. They were trapped when Tower One collapsed.
Sean led an active and varied life. He was a Marine Corps Reservist. He also loved Irish music and playing the button accordion. He would practice for an hour or more on many evenings. The steady, easy flow of sweet hornpipes, tasty reels, and lively jigs would fill the house.
This is part of a song that was written for Sean, and was played at his funeral:
"Up the stairs boys, running to the top
Without a thought to slow or stop
Upstairs boys on 9/11 and they kept on going
to the gates of Heaven.
With the men of Ten House was Sean Tallon...
Although he wasn't the first, he wasn't the last...
With love of God and Country he never thought he could
see such acts of hate...
As we remember our Charger and the others
and shed a mournful tear for all his fallen brothers,
Although we didn't know them all,
we knew them well enough to know what they were made of...
And that was hero stuff.
written by Dereen and Marian Griffin
Sean left behind his parents, grandparents, sister and brother-in-law, and extended family in the United States, England, and Ireland, along with many friends. He is greatly missed by all.
May you rest in peace Sean Patrick Tallon. I would like to offer up this blessing:
Traditional Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind always be at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Thank you for all that you and your brothers do and have sacrificed for all of us! You and yours will be in my prayers. ~Rebecca Buchenot
note: I wanted to add more pictures, but Blogger decided that I had enough. Grrr! I'll try to add more later.
Check out these cool links:
2,996 Memorial List ~List of ALL the blog memorials!
Ten House Homepage~ They have an AWSOME site!!
Fire Store ~ Cool Stuff!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Emmy's HOME!!!
BTW....We just realized that this wuz our 100th post!!! Woohoo!!! Who woulda thunk it when we started out??
Thursday, September 07, 2006
The latest
Momma's note~ Sorry for the confusion, but that's pretty much what's going on around here. We'll keep y'all posted.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Whoo Hoo!!!
Momma is planning on talking wif Emmy's new bean about us keeping her fur real. We'll let y'all know how that goes.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Momma's sad
Mimi update: Daddy is on the phone wif her right now. She's gettin' bored and is WAY ready to go home. We still don't know when that will be.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Emmy Update!
Momma's note- 9/3 I let Emmy out for a little while this morning while the girls were still sleeping. She seems quite comfy here. There has been some hissing and spitting going on, but no swinging...yet. Kiara came out and saw her, and let Emmy know that this is Kiara's house. Nobody has really gotten to close to the others. I tried to put up a baby gate that I borrowed, but that just seemed to upset Emmy....she could see out put not get there. I have been visiting her in the room multiple times a day to try to help her get used to me. We'll update more after the vet visit. Wish me luck in getting her there!
Momma gotted to go watch Daddy fly today!!! She sed that he did a GREAT JOB and that she is furry proud of him. She video taped it for Mimi, since she's still in the hospital. But...Mimi is planning on coming out the ferst weekend in October to visit! Yea!
Tomorrow, we get to watch Momma yell at the movie picture box while she's cheering for Notre Dame! Go Irish!!!