WHOOHOO!!! It's owr FERST Blogiversary!!! Whoda thunk it...when we ferst started owt that we'd still be here a year later?? And wif such amazing furiends! Y'all are awesomw! We's sorry that we haven't been as active recently...it's been furry crazy around owr howse.
But...efurrycat is welcome to come ofur this weekend. Momma and Daddy (wif Uncle Dan) have gone to Texas fur a week, so we gots the howse to owrselves!!! That means it's time fur a par-tay!!! Feel free to come and go...we don't fink that we will be able to host a grate (live) party like ofur haf since Momma won't be near a 'puter fur 57 hours. But we'd love to have y'all ofur anyways!
~Meeko, Kiara, & Emmy
Nose kisses to my sweetie! ~Emmy
pee ess- Can y'all keep Momma, Daddy, Uncle Dan, and the rest of owr "fambly" owt here in yur thoughts and prayers as they are all traveling all ofur the country? Fanks!!
22 hours ago
Concatulations on your first blogiversary! We're furry happy to have you as furriends!
We'll stop in for the party later this weekend!
Woo Hoo! Happy Blogaversary!!! We just wanted to drop by and introduce ourselves! We're The Meezer Gang...Stop by some time!
Happy First Blogaversary!!!
We'll watch fur yur Momma & Daddy and Uncle Dan wen dey git heer.
Luf, Us
Happy Blogiversary! :) Have a great party this weekend! :)
A very Happy Blogiversary to you all! And we're sending lots of purrs to keep your beans safe in their travels.
& the Artsy Catsy houseful
We also wanted to stop by and say Happy Blogversary, and nice to meet you.
Woohoo, party. Happy Blogoversary guys! Where's the buffet?
Ok...Momma, Daddy, and Uncle Dan gotted in OK. Momma's already gotten kitty kisses from Miss Kitty, Belle and Gabby. She'll try to get picshurs of efurryone.
Hope efurrycat is having a good time at the party....the buffet is in the kitchen, along wif the water fountain. The boxes(bof of them) are upstairs. Whoohoo!!! Momma sed that we gots to leave the human nip ALONE!!! Cuz mostof it isn't hers, but effuryone elses that lefted it there.
Oopps...we meanted the LIQUID human nip....not anyfing else. Grammie pointed owt that that could be mis-leeding.
Happy first blackberries!
Concatulations on yur Blogiversary! It must be time fur bean travel cuz mine wented to Illannoy to play wif trains. At least when they get home, we gets extra Temptations!!! I also wented into the clean lawndry an pulled out a lawndry bag an taked it to the top of the stairs to wait fur Mom. Emmy, I'd luv to come bisit while you poor fings is home all alone. Purrs, nosekisses to my sweetie, an best wishes fur alla travelin beans!
Happee Happee Furrst Blogiversary!!!
~Bombay & Bangles
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