Just a qwick update. We don't haf any "ofishul" news on Emmy. Last we herd frum the lady wuz that she wuz OK. Victor Tabbycat (her boyfriendcat) teleported ofur to see her an toleed us that she wuz well but a little bit nervis. Momma is gonna try calling the lady agin to find owt more info. But Momma is FURRY happy that we are returning to owr old selves again!!
Tonight is Momma's ferst "real" Mary Kay class ....wif strangers!! Her ofur ones haf been wif friends. She's a little bit nervis 'bout it.
We fink that we's got a Momma sqwirlly owt back. We fink this a'cause we seed her *nipples*. Maybe we'll haf sume baby sqwirllys around here.
48 minutes ago