We gots bisitors this weekend!!! Grandpa (Daddys dad) and Uncle Brian camed up to see us, and then Mimi is coming up on Sunday!! AND.....Momma gotted tomorrow off so we's gonna haf 5 whole Momma days!!! Whoohoo!!
They maded it back home to us after Christmas. We gotted sum treats and new brushes. Momma gotted a new IKEA table for the sewing machine. Daddy gotted a new laptop. Momma bisited wif Miss Kitty while she wuz at Mimi's. Miss Kitty efen helped Momma blog! We want to fank efurryone who bisited us while they were and also fur their Christmas wishes!
23 hours ago
It sounds like you have had a very busy weekend! Miss Kitty is very pretty--but where are you?!
we is glad you hadded a nice christmas Meeko and Kiara!
Thank you for the photos of Miss Kitty. She is very pretty. Now we just have to get her blogging.
We think we saw your beans passing us on the highway! Yup!
Glad you had a nice Chrissy Mouse!
Luf, Us
Glad you all had a lovely Christmas. We wish you a Happy New Year.
A very happy new year to all of you
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