It's furry cold and snowy here!!
This morning started out like any ofur morning: Momma gotted up early, gotted in the metal monster, and lefted fur werk. But then she camed back not too long after that. She wuz sitting at a stop light when, BANG, somebean turning the corner slid her metal monster into Momma's big metal monster!!! Efurryone wuz ok, but owr monsters' wheel is broken. She could barely drive it home (I was about a half mile from home~Momma). So now, Momma is waiting on the monster V-E-T to call her back about when to bring it in. But fur now....Momma is home wif us ALL DAY! Whoo hoo!
Sorry that we didn't post all weekend...Daddy wuz hogging the 'puter playing sum Crafting War game.Hope efurryone hadded a good weekend. Moom awuz proud of herself fur going skiing TWICE this weekend and not getting hurty at all!!
Accident update, 6 pm: Good news!! The ofur monsters drivers' insurance is paying to fix owr monster!! Owr's is already at the V-E-T, but they haven't looked at it yet. They will tomorrow. They efen gotted Momma a rental monster to drive. Momma sez it's way cool. We just thank God that nobean wuz hurted. God is GOOD!! Stay warm efurryone!!
14 hours ago