Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Efen qwicker post

Daddy gotted heli-copters. That means that the M-werd WILL be invoked by the end of the month. More to come tomorrow... We DO know that we will "m"ing to Alabama.

pee ess- Auntie Jennifer is doing FURRY good after her hed sur-gery (efen if'n Momma didn't get to help). Momma's niece & nef-eww gotted to see their mom (jen) tonight.


Ivan from WMD said...

M on the horizon? Eeek, I think with all this m-ing somebody deserves a lot of treats!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Uh oh. The M word. I hate that word...

Just Ducky said...

the 'm'word for more kitties. Hope your beandad will like flying hellycopters.

Damian said...

Heello mate nice post