Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
GRATE news!!
This am wonderful news! She has a friend staying wif her for rite now, just to keep an eye on her and help her to stay safe. She will continue to do sum rehab at home.
Fanks again (and again, and again) fur alla yur prayers!! God is good!!
In ofur news.....we's drivin' to Texas tomorrow for Christmas! Well...daddy's drivin', we's just goin' along fur the ride. We's gonna stay wif Grammie and Poppie (and their kitties) and Mooma, Daddy, and Rachael are gonna stay wif Mimi.
Hope efurrycat has a grate weekend, and if'n yur gettin' alla that snow on the east coast, stay WARM!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Secret Paws!!!!!
Kiara playin' wif the chirpy birdy a'fore it's efen offa the card.
Alla owr goodies!!!!
Fanks SOOOO much Meowza fur owr pawsome pressies!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
More sad news
Purrs needed fur Auntie Alicia's grandpa...he was attacked by his heart on Mon. He hadded surgery yesterday, and is doing well.
On a happier note, Aunt Lois is doing GRATE!!! Much better than anyone dared hope for!! Thanks again to efurryone fur alla your prayers.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Too cute!!
Fambly updates:
Aunt Lois- Doing GREAT!!!! Has been walking and even talking when her trach is blocked!! They're hoping to remove it soon.
Uncle De- Still declining.
Mimi hadded to help their dog, Missy, to the bridge last week. Missy was Daddy's pet fur 17 years!! She hadded a great life. Mimi also adopted a kitty named Boots last week too.
Fink that just about covers alla it. Hope y'all haf a great weekend!!! Stay warm and snuggle wif yur beans....we know WE will be!
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Secret Paws
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Turkey Day!!
We hope that all y'all haf a furry Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Easy like Sunday
Well, Momma, Daddy, and Rachael gotted back on Friday. They were glad that they gotted to bisit wif alla the fambly back home, but were sad for the reason they had to be there. (They weren't going to be going home until Christmas). Everyone wuz happy to see them! And to love on Rachael!! We hadded a good time heer wif Auntie Alicia! She took furry good care of us.
We're gonna take it easy today, but we don't fimk Momma knows how to. She's doing laundry, shopping for Turkey Day, and getting ready fur Grammie and Poppie to come bisit. We're hosting Thanksgiving heer, and Auntie Alicia and her hubby Jon are coming too!!
Hope y'all had a grate weekend!!
pee ess- We gotted owr Secret Paws name!!! We's gonna send Momma owt shopping soon!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mimi camed owt to bisit on Friday!! YAY!!
Aunt Lois is doing better efurry day.
Now on to the sad stuff.
Pappaw (Daddy's grandpa and Mimi's Dad) wented to Heaven on Saturday night. We know he's all better now and is partying up there wif Grandma! Mimi lefted ferst fing yesterday morning, and Momma, Daddy, and Rachael are leaving in a little while.
Fanks fur alla yur prayers fur owr fambly. Y'all are paw-some!!
Monday, November 09, 2009
Anofur update
1. Aunt Lois- Has movement in ALL limbs, can follow commands, answer questions by nodding or blinking. They will be putting at trach tube and feeding tube in in the morning. Can't fully extubate due to swelling/ irritation. Family will be meeting with an attorney on Tues and medical team on Wed. Apparently, someone made an illegal turn in front of them (in front of a police station!) while they were on the motorcycle. It happened in Manchester, NH and she was flown into Boston for treatment. All of her family (3 sisters and 1 brother) are there with her now, and will be spending the week there. 1 sister lives there. All of the sisters were supposed to be going on a cruise together this week, so they all had the time off from work already.
2. Uncle De- Haven't had a recent update. Think it is just a matter of time at this point. He is in Chicago.
3. Pappaw- Has been getting progressively weaker. Was having alot of pain today. Again, think it is just a matter of time as well. Although, he did have a scare like this last month, and pulled out of it then. He is in Ft. Worth.
Sorry if this is TMI for some folks. Our families TRULY appreciate all the prayers, purrs, well wishes, healing/ good vibes. I apologize for not coming arround and thanking each of you personally. But please know that we are grateful for each and everyone of you!
~Momma Becca and family
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Qwik update
Friday, November 06, 2009
Purrs needed
I swear, when it rains, it pours. Here goes.
1. For my Mom' sister, Lois. She was in a motorcycle accident on Halloween night. She is currently is in the hospital in Boston in a medically induced coma. One other sister lives there, their brother is in town, and my mom and their other sister are flying in this weekend.
2. My dad's Uncle De. He is 90, has an inoperable brain tumor and Parkinson's. He is not doing very well.
3. Allan's grandpa, Pappaw. He has altzheimer's and has been put on hospice. But, he was doing well today.
Any and all prayers are greatly appreciated by all of our families. Thank you!
Monday, November 02, 2009
Monday, Monday
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Finally Friday!!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sleepy Sunday
Thursday, October 01, 2009
All done!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Trouble Tuesday
Heer are sum random pics...Enjoy!!
In our "safe place" after the movers left.
(They are NEVER this close without fighting! Momma)
Taking turns looking owtside at the new place.
Momma, Rachael, Aunt Jen, and Niece Hannah.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
We STILL Remember ~ Sean Patrick Tallon

When aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center's twin towers, it was New York City's Bravest that did what they did best - head directly in to danger, in order to save lives. Firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs - side by side - as was the case so many times before.
Together with members of that city's Finest, they made their way to the heart of the tragedy. Grabbing their gear, the firefighters began rushing into the gigantic structures to assist with their safe evacuation, while the paramedics and EMTs began tending to the injured below.
It was while doing those jobs - in the kind of rescue that they had performed so well, so many times - that their lives were taken from us. (Taken from here)
Sean Patrick "Charger" Tallon was one of those such men. At 26, he had only a month or so left of being a "probie" (a probationary firefighter). Sean was one of the first responders, along with the other members of Ten House. Their station was right across the street from the World Trade Center. On the way up the stairs of Tower One, Sean helped a fellow firefighter that was having a heart attack, then he continued up with two more of his fellow firemen. They were trapped when Tower One collapsed.
Sean led an active and varied life. He was a Marine Corps Reservist. He also loved Irish music and playing the button accordion. He would practice for an hour or more on many evenings. The steady, easy flow of sweet hornpipes, tasty reels, and lively jigs would fill the house.
This is part of a song that was written for Sean, and was played at his funeral:
"Up the stairs boys, running to the top
Without a thought to slow or stop
Upstairs boys on 9/11 and they kept on going
to the gates of Heaven.
With the men of Ten House was Sean Tallon...
Although he wasn't the first, he wasn't the last...
With love of God and Country he never thought he could
see such acts of hate...
As we remember our Charger and the others
and shed a mournful tear for all his fallen brothers,
Although we didn't know them all,
we knew them well enough to know what they were made of...
And that was hero stuff.
written by Dereen and Marian Griffin
Sean left behind his parents, grandparents, sister and brother-in-law, and extended family in the United States, England, and Ireland, along with many friends. He is greatly missed by all.
May you rest in peace Sean Patrick Tallon. I would like to offer up this blessing:
Traditional Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind always be at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Thank you for all that you and your brothers do and have sacrificed for all of us! You and yours will be in my prayers. ~Rebecca Buchenot Sain
Check out these cool links (not sure if they're still avail):
2,996 Memorial List ~List of ALL the blog memorials!
Ten House Homepage~ They have an AWSOME site!!
Fire Store ~ Cool Stuff!
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
She's HEER!!!!!!!!!!
So...wifowt further ado....we proundly present Miss Rachael Elizabeth!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A'citing News!!!
Have a grate weekend y'all!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tiger Tuesday
Monday, August 03, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Today's the day!!!
Eeeekkk!!! Today am the that we *FINALLY* find owt all that info that we talked about last week!! ACK!! Momma and Daddy are neruous/excited. We'll let y'all know where we's headin' to next!
And Mimi and Uncle Brian get heer today. Grammie, Poppie, and Grandpa David (Daddy's Dad) get heer tomorrow.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Nothin' New
We do get to find out on Friday what Daddy's fur-ever whirly-bird is, when we haf to move to Albequerque, and where we will be moving after that. That's ALOT of stuff to find owt in 1 day! Momma can't wait, a'cause right now she can't make ANY plans, fur anyfing! We'll keep y'all posted!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
New napping spot!!
pee ess: Kiara sez hi and she has a new bed to show y'all....if'n Momma can get a pict-shur of her in it!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Happy Anniversary!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009
She's back!!!
Daddy, Momma, Mimi, & Uncle Brian.