Ferst....Daddy wants to fank efurryone fur the purrfday wishes!!
Kiara heer:
Yesterday, Momma founded owr catnip bubbles that we gotted a long time ago. She started blowing them to see what we would do. Me...I ran the ofur way an hid. (I know...REAL brave!). But Meeko, on the ofur paw, stayed owt. She started to paw at one of them, and then... she HISSED at it!!! Momma wuzn't shur if that's what Meeko did or not, so she kept on making the bubbles. Finally, anofur one gotted too close for Meeko, and she HISSED again!!! At a poor, defenseless catnip bubble. Momma almost wet herself she started laughing so hard! I gotta admit...it WUZ pretty funny!
16 hours ago