Friday, June 12, 2009


Owr Mimi is coming to bisit today!!! Momma gots to go pick her up frum the airport this afternoon. Mimi came to see us, Daddy, us, Momma, and the blurpy-still-in-Momma's-tummy. THEN, next week, Momma and Mimi will be going to bisit the big Mouse at his House in Florida wif the rest of Daddy's fambly. Daddy may or may not get to go for a little while, it depends on him's flight schedule and him's classes.

Hope y'all haf a grate weekend!!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh how exciting it is to have visitors!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I hope it is cooler there than it is where Mimi is coming from! Have a good visit!

Anonymous said...

All kinds of big news going on at your house! (If they offer to take you to chase that big Mouse in Florida, say "Thanks but no thanks." He's reeeallly big.)

meemsnyc said...

How great to have visitors!