Friday, April 30, 2010

Anofur moov!!

Well....we gots a howse. But, NOT the howse that the 'rents were told that we were gonna get. (THAT wuz a huge ordeal, wif MANY bad werds involved.) But, Daddy's boss is AMAZING and he wented "to bat" fur us, and gotted us a howse). Granted, we's probabaly gonna haf to moov again in bout 6-8 monfs, but that's no different than normal fur us anymore. We's just happy to be in a place of owr own, and NOT a compartment or hotel howse. We's not sure of the "official" moov-in day yet...but sumtime next week. The bad news is that ALLA owr stuff is still in storage in Alabama, and will take ALOT of time to get to us. But...on the bright side, Rachael can FINALLY haf a real crib to sleep in!! And alla her toys to play wif (and not owrs!!).

Hope efurryone has a GRATE weekend!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Today am Daddy's purrfday!! Happy Purrfday Daddy, we lufs you!!!! And we's furry, furry happy to haf you home wif us!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Happy Saturday!!!

Oh, happy day!!! Daddy is on his way HOME!!!!! Wooohooooo!!!

Meeko heer.

Last night, after enjoying some nip, I went to go to sleep on the bed. But then, I noticed that there wuz a blanket monster trying to ATTACK Momma!!! And Daddy wuzn't heer to save her. So I did what any good kitty would do....I tried to make it ded! But, it wouldn't die. And Momma kept telling me to knock it off. Well THAT"S what I wuz tryin' to do Momma!!! She also kept saying sumfing 'bout not wanting to haf to buy a new comforter.

Momma-Meeks, there was NOTHING there!! Not even my feet. No more nip for you before bedtime. And no, I don't want to have to pay for a comforter for the hotel after you snag this one.

Meeko- Sheesh!! See if I try to protect her again!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday noosday

Well.....we's FINALLY gettin' to post again. Let's see, what has happened lately?? Daddy is almost done wif training and will be home on Saturday. We've mooved...AGAIN!!! Fur those of you keeping count, this is the 3rd place in Great Falls. This place is REALLY nice though. And owr next moov (dunno when) will be into OWR howse! This place is kinda like a small compartment howse, and it efen has an indoor pool fur the beans to go swimming in. Yesterday, we were bof slleping on the bed, when Momma noticed that owr tails were touching!!! AND there wuz no hissing involved! She efen gotted foto-grafic evedence.

Hope efurryone has a grate week!!

Heer we are takin' up the WHOLE bed!


Up close proof.Meeko keepin' Daddy's spot warm for him.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Rachael wanted to tell efurryone Happy Easter, and 'pologize fur us not stoppin' by y'alls blogs to wish is personally. Daddy lefted fur survival training today, and will be gone fur 3 WHOLE WEEKS!!! But, don't worry...we's gonna take good care of Momma while he's gone.


Hoppy Easter Y'all!!!

He is Risen!!