Well....we gots a howse. But, NOT the howse that the 'rents were told that we were gonna get. (THAT wuz a huge ordeal, wif MANY bad werds involved.) But, Daddy's boss is AMAZING and he wented "to bat" fur us, and gotted us a howse). Granted, we's probabaly gonna haf to moov again in bout 6-8 monfs, but that's no different than normal fur us anymore. We's just happy to be in a place of owr own, and NOT a compartment or hotel howse. We's not sure of the "official" moov-in day yet...but sumtime next week. The bad news is that ALLA owr stuff is still in storage in Alabama, and will take ALOT of time to get to us. But...on the bright side, Rachael can FINALLY haf a real crib to sleep in!! And alla her toys to play wif (and not owrs!!).
Hope efurryone has a GRATE weekend!!
23 hours ago
Glad that your living arrangements are starting to smooth out a bit, and that your dad has a good boss.
Have a good weekend.
THat sounds like normal military moves! Hopefully your stuff will get to you before you have to move, again!
Yay for your own, at least for now, house!
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