Meeko heer.
Toosday is my purrfday!!! I'm nine years old now. And haf lifed in 6 states (13 different howses)and driven through/spent the night in NINE!! How crazy is that?!?! Anywho....fur my purrfday, we's moving ino owr new howse!! Kiara and I are already heer, an Momma, Daddy, and Rachael are moofing in tomorrow. They don't haf anyfing to sleep on!! (But, they DID make shur to put owt blankies, one of owr ham-micks, and the glider fur us to use) The new digs haf wooden floors, LOTS of cabinets to explore, and a DUNGEON!!! We gots to wait fur Momma to be heer togo down there though. Y'all are more han welcome to come check the place owt. Momma willbein and owt during the day, butshe's gonna put owt lotsa treats, crunchies, stinky goodness, and water fur alla us to snack on.
pee ess- Happy Anniversary to Grammie and Poppie!! Tehy've been married fur 36 years!!!
pee pee ess-We won't haf inner-nets 'till Thursday (unless we can hack, we mean BORROW, from a neighbors wireless network.)
pee pee pee ess-Fanks to ML's facebook post fur "reminding" Momma 'bout Meeko's purrfday!
23 hours ago
Happy Birthday Meeko! We are glad you are getting into your new home.
Happy Birthday! I have a ham with your name on it!!!
Happy Birthday Meeko!
Hope you had plenty of treats and stuff on your day. And, playing THoE in an empty house is great. It sounds real loud.
Happy belated birthday, Meeko! And you got a new house as a gift! How cool is that?!
We're so glad to hear that you all are getting to settle for a while!
You are one well traveled kittie! Belated happy purrthday.
Happy 9th Birday Meeko! A long travel, but we hope yer in yer forever home finally...
Meeko, all of us Good Cats wish you a happy 9th birthday, and many more in your new house.
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