Monday, July 28, 2008

Breaking news & Pic-shurs - Part 1

This just in....Momma gotted a jobbie at Bath & Body Werks!! She's still waiting to heer frum the skool district tho. Whoohoo!! (The only hospital in town isn't hiring fur her position. It's a pretty smallish hospital, and there aren't any surgery centers around.)

This am the birdie that Momma caughted tonight. We're not sure what it is, but it eats nectar frum the hummie bird feeder. Momma wuz sitting in the lifing room when she heard sumfing crash into the front screen door! She wented to 'vestigate, and founded the birdie hanging on to the screen window beside the door. It looked kinda stunned. Momma gotted it off the window, and it perched on her finger. She wented to go get it water frum the birdie bath, 'cause she couldn't get to the nectar that wuz hanging and WUZN'T about to bring it into the howse wif us. After a little water, it chirpped and flew into the tree. Momma is gonna keep a eye owt for it.

This is a different birdie (maybe the male version of the ofur one?) that has been eating wif the hummies. Not sure what it is eifur. Momma finks it's in the oreo family. But none of her birdie books say anyfing about oreo's eating we're pretty stumped.

Kiara chillin' in her ham-mick. Sorta doin' the Q (with a twist).

Us sharing a bed. We NEFUR do this. EFUR. Momma wuz shocked.

Momma here: They are always hissing and growling at each other. The ONLY other time they did this was when we were moving and in unfamiliar territory. Kiara was on the bed first. While I was petting her, Meeko decided that she wanted up too. They stayed this way for a couple of hours, even changing positions. I knew no one would believe me if I told them, so I had to get pics.

pee ess- See post below fur more pic-hurs!!!
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Ivan from WMD said...

Wow, a birdie on your screen! I love trying to guess what kind of birds I see, so I looked this up in my bird book. It might be a Scott's Oriole, which says it comes to orange or grapefruit halves and nectar feeders. Pretty exciting!

Ellen Whyte said...

That birds looks yummy - I mean pretty!

Nomi said...

I like your hammick. I think I would like one of those. Miewmie, is it my purrthday soon ??

The Meezers or Billy said...

you look furry comfy on your ham-mick!!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh yummy birds and squirrels!

Forty Paws said...

Awesum picturs! It must be hot there, huh? Your message to us about being in the asssss part of Texasssss was funny! Concatulations on yur Mom's noo job!

Luf, Us

Just Ducky said...

Orioles will drink nectar, eat fruit or even eat jelly! Mum likes BBW hope your mum likes working there. Take advantage of the sales.

Christine and FAZ said...

Wow your human is so clever for rescuing that birdie. We are impressed.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have lots of yummy looking wildlife to watch. The birds are very interesting.