Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
M werd!?!?!
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Silly Saturday
Monday, November 01, 2010
Rachael's Costume
Rach's "you talking to me??" look.
Rach and her friend Keegan.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Meeko heer- Does anycat haf a good place to hide?? I heard Momma talking on the phone to the V-E-T! I don't WANNA go!!!
Mom- Meeks, you KNOW you don't feel good. You've been in and out of the box 15 times in 15 minutes while I was in the bathroom. So, you KNOW you need to go see the vet. I don't like having to take you in either. You'll be fine, and feeling better in NO time!! (Besides...I'm not looking forward to fighting with both you and Rachael to take your meds!!)
Meeko- OK Momma...if you say so....
Friday, September 10, 2010
Sean Patrick Tallon~ We STILL remember!!

When aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center's twin towers, it was New York City's Bravest that did what they did best - head directly in to danger, in order to save lives. Firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs - side by side - as was the case so many times before.
Together with members of that city's Finest, they made their way to the heart of the tragedy. Grabbing their gear, the firefighters began rushing into the gigantic structures to assist with their safe evacuation, while the paramedics and EMTs began tending to the injured below.
It was while doing those jobs - in the kind of rescue that they had performed so well, so many times - that their lives were taken from us. (Taken from here)
Sean Patrick "Charger" Tallon was one of those such men. At 26, he had only a month or so left of being a "probie" (a probationary firefighter). Sean was one of the first responders, along with the other members of Ten House. Their station was right across the street from the World Trade Center. On the way up the stairs of Tower One, Sean helped a fellow firefighter that was having a heart attack, then he continued up with two more of his fellow firemen. They were trapped when Tower One collapsed.
Sean led an active and varied life. He was a Marine Corps Reservist. He also loved Irish music and playing the button accordion. He would practice for an hour or more on many evenings. The steady, easy flow of sweet hornpipes, tasty reels, and lively jigs would fill the house.
This is part of a song that was written for Sean, and was played at his funeral:
"Up the stairs boys, running to the top
Without a thought to slow or stop
Upstairs boys on 9/11 and they kept on going
to the gates of Heaven.
With the men of Ten House was Sean Tallon...
Although he wasn't the first, he wasn't the last...
With love of God and Country he never thought he could
see such acts of hate...
As we remember our Charger and the others
and shed a mournful tear for all his fallen brothers,
Although we didn't know them all,
we knew them well enough to know what they were made of...
And that was hero stuff.
written by Dereen and Marian Griffin
Sean left behind his parents, grandparents, sister and brother-in-law, and extended family in the United States, England, and Ireland, along with many friends. He is greatly missed by all.
May you rest in peace Sean Patrick Tallon. I would like to offer up this blessing:
Traditional Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind always be at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Thank you for all that you and your brothers do and have sacrificed for all of us! You and yours will be in my prayers. ~Rebecca Buchenot Sain
Check out these cool links (not sure if they're still avail):
2,996 Memorial List ~List of ALL the blog memorials!
Ten House Homepage~ They have an AWSOME site!!
Fire Store ~ Cool Stuff!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Happy Day!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
We lufs you sweet girl!!! We can't wait to see you when you get home wif Momma and Daddy!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sad day
{{{hugs}} and purrs
~Meeko, Kiara, and Fambly
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Not much a'citing stuff going on around heer. Not too hot, pretty windy tonight. The biggest a'citement is Rachael taked her ferst steps last night!! Now we REALLY gotta watch owr tails!
Heer are sum random pic-shurs.......ENJOY!!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Second, alla y'alls good thoughts fur Rachael haf werked!! She's almost alla the betters, and her and Momma WILL be going to Canada tomorrow. Miss Kate is gonna take care of us while she's gone.
Hope efurrycat has a GRATE weekend!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Hope alla owr friends are doing well, and trying to stay cool if'n y'all have the HOTS.
Daddy wif his whirly-bird. (He's on the right, holding on to the door)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Daddy has to go into werk furry, furry early in the morning, and will prolly haf to werk ALL DAY! He did bring Momma flowers last night.
The pic-shur am an old one. We couldn't find any good ones from the wedding....
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Happy Father's Day!!!
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thankful Thursday- Late Edishun (wif teef)
Friday, May 07, 2010
Monday, May 03, 2010
Busy Purrfday!!!
Toosday is my purrfday!!! I'm nine years old now. And haf lifed in 6 states (13 different howses)and driven through/spent the night in NINE!! How crazy is that?!?! Anywho....fur my purrfday, we's moving ino owr new howse!! Kiara and I are already heer, an Momma, Daddy, and Rachael are moofing in tomorrow. They don't haf anyfing to sleep on!! (But, they DID make shur to put owt blankies, one of owr ham-micks, and the glider fur us to use) The new digs haf wooden floors, LOTS of cabinets to explore, and a DUNGEON!!! We gots to wait fur Momma to be heer togo down there though. Y'all are more han welcome to come check the place owt. Momma willbein and owt during the day, butshe's gonna put owt lotsa treats, crunchies, stinky goodness, and water fur alla us to snack on.
pee ess- Happy Anniversary to Grammie and Poppie!! Tehy've been married fur 36 years!!!
pee pee ess-We won't haf inner-nets 'till Thursday (unless we can hack, we mean BORROW, from a neighbors wireless network.)
pee pee pee ess-Fanks to ML's facebook post fur "reminding" Momma 'bout Meeko's purrfday!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Anofur moov!!
Hope efurryone has a GRATE weekend!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Happy Saturday!!!
Meeko heer.
Last night, after enjoying some nip, I went to go to sleep on the bed. But then, I noticed that there wuz a blanket monster trying to ATTACK Momma!!! And Daddy wuzn't heer to save her. So I did what any good kitty would do....I tried to make it ded! But, it wouldn't die. And Momma kept telling me to knock it off. Well THAT"S what I wuz tryin' to do Momma!!! She also kept saying sumfing 'bout not wanting to haf to buy a new comforter.
Momma-Meeks, there was NOTHING there!! Not even my feet. No more nip for you before bedtime. And no, I don't want to have to pay for a comforter for the hotel after you snag this one.
Meeko- Sheesh!! See if I try to protect her again!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tuesday noosday
Hope efurryone has a grate week!!
Heer we are takin' up the WHOLE bed!
Up close proof.Meeko keepin' Daddy's spot warm for him.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Happy Spring!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We's FINALLY in Montana!! We still haf a few more hours in the metal monster, but not too long. We'll be in great Falls by lunchtime!!
Meeko "NOT" sleeping on the furniture! ;-)
pee ess- We almost furgot.......
Happy St. Patrick's Day Y'all!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sad Day
Momma wuz furry, furry sad tonite a'cause she hadded to say goodbye to her bestest friend, Auntie Alicia. We's gonna miss her too.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Widebody Wednesday
Friday, March 05, 2010
V-E-T Update
Bad news is that Meeko is having sum dental issues. FORL is suspected. She is missing 3 teeth!!! We's gonna haf to get it checked owt further once we get to MT. But....Momma is wondering why none owr previous V-E-T's noticed this?? Oh, well.
Hopw y'all haf a grate weekend!!
Crappity, crap, crap, crap.......the carriers are owt. Guess that means she DIDN'T forget!! See y'all later!!!
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Toosday News-Late Edishun
Yep, efurryone is feeling much better now! Rachael nefur really ACTED sick, just a little fussier than usual and had an "upset" tummy. She's takin' the pink Auntie Biotics now. Momma is pretty shur that Rach has MORE teefs coming in on top, and that that's what is giving her fits. As for Daddy, his was just the end of a L-O-N-G week catchin' up wif him and not eating good foods (just snacking all day). Silly Daddy!
As fur us....we hearded Momma sayin' sumfing about us goin' to the V-E-T on Friday! We's not the ones that haf been sick, so why do we gots to go??? (Momma here: it's just for your annual vaccines. You're both overdue, and you need it to live on base).
We haf found owt that we will be implementing the "M" werd on March 15th. Bof of us, Rachael, and Momma will be leafing ABQ then. Daddy might be done wif training, or close to it, and will come up to MT when he's done. Grammie and Poppie are gonna fly owt heer, and then drive up wif us. Poopie in the big truck wif alla owr stuffs, and Grammie in Momma's metal monster wif us, Rach, and Momma. It's gonna be 10 squillion hours in the monster!!! (Momma- close to it, 21 least!). But...we WILL be going through Colorado Springs, where we used to live. Momma is pretty a'cited 'bout that.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Sicky Saturday
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Munchkin Monday
pee ess- Rachael gotted her ferst tooth!!! And her second one is on it's way. So, that made for a cranky baby ofur the weekend!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I wanna say FANKS fur alla the purrfday wishes!!! I effen gotted wishes frum new friends! I hadded a grate time wif efurrycat that camed to hang owt wif us. I gotted treats, special stinky goodness, scritches, a GINORMUS cat nip ball (Pics to follow when I'm not crashed owt sleepin' off the nip!), and my own special water glass to drink owt of. Sorry I's so long in posting this, but wif Mimi bisitin' and Valentine's Day and Momma tryin' to get stuff packed up around heer, it's been a little busy.
Fanks again!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Today am my 8th purrfday!!! I haven't gotten any pressies yet.....Momma sez I can haf them later. I fink that Momma, Daddy, Rachael, and Mimi (she came to bisit me) are gonna be gone most of the day, so if'n any of y'all want to teleport ofur to celly-brate wifme....come on ofur!!! We gots pleny of treats, fresh water, and stinky goodness. And the best part....NO SNOW!!!
I'll let y'all know what kind of goodies I get later.
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
We lufs you!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Rukia Update
So, Momma's been going ofur there to feed her and play wif her fur a little while each day. Momma gotted Rukia a laser pointer and she LUFS it!!
Hope efurrycat has a grate weekend!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Poor Rachael hadded to get shots yesterday, and is feelin' pretty crummy today. She's been sleeping almost as much as we haf!!
Auntie Alicia's kitty, Rukia, is supposed to come and stay wif us this weekend when Auntie Alicia goes owt of town. Could be pretty inneresting as Ruika hasn't been around many ofur kitties. We'll keep y'all posted!!
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Happy New Year!!
We wented back to ABQ today wif Daddy. Momma and Rachael are staying anofur 10 days wif Grammie and Poppie. We had a pretty un-eventful drive back. We slept most of the way, and Meeko snuggled wif Daddy fur a little while. We's happy to be back at OWR howse wif OWR stuff. Not that we don't like it at Grammie's.....but y'all know what we mean.
Haf a grate rest of yur weekend!