Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
We just wanted to wish all y'all a very Merry Christmas!!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Anofer qwik post
Found unner Momma's dresser: 13 hair elastics, 14 Q-tips, & 1 sharpie. All put there by Kiara. Momma wuz wonderin' where all her hair fingies went to! Kiara decided that it wuz time to play wif all of them again at 5:33 this morning....Momma wuzn't amused.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Efen qwicker post
pee ess- Auntie Jennifer is doing FURRY good after her hed sur-gery (efen if'n Momma didn't get to help). Momma's niece & nef-eww gotted to see their mom (jen) tonight.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Quick Post...
pee ess....Owr "real" Auntie Jennifer (Hannah's Momma) is hafing surgery on her hed on Monday. If'n y'all could say a prayer fur her, that would be grate!! Fanks!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
They're Back!!!
We hope efurrycat hadded a grate Turkey Day, and fanks to those who stopped by.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy (Early) Thanksgiving!!
Happy Turkey Day & safe travels,
~Meeko, Kiara, Momma, & Daddy
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Snowy (Pict-shurs) Sunday
Owr back patio in C. Springs
Owr howse in OKC after all the bad ice storms.
"Real" icicle lights on owr howse!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Stalking/Silly Saturday
Then...we gotted silly wif owr nip plant that Momma broughted inside fur us!!!
Kiara checkin' it owt REAL good....
What happens when you check owt the nip TOO closely...
Meeko playin' it cool...
Then, this afternoon, Momma wuz silly and putted up owr owtside Christmas lights!! Can you a'lieve it?!!? She sed a'cause it wuz nice owt today, and they are going to be gone most of the next week, why not do it today. They aren't lit yet. Momma and Daddy are goin' to San Antonio fur Thanksgiving fur Auntie Alicia's wedding!!! Momma is in the wedding too. But she's not getting married, only Auntie Alicia. So if anycat has too many bisitors at their own howse, feel free to come ofur heer. Ms Amanda will be taking care of us, so there will be plenty of food and water and maybe sum treats. Owr V-E-T gived owr Momma sum Temptations fur us when she boughted owr special foods the ofur day. Maybe we'll break those owt too!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Purrs needed!!
We'll try to do a post this weekend, but don't make any promises!! Hope effurrycat has a grate weekend!
Monday, October 20, 2008
We gots bideos!!!
Kiara wif her nip. If you can heer her purrs a little bit.
Meeko not wanting to share wif Momma...her's is in two parts.
Part 1
Part 2
Hope y'all enjoyed owr bideos!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Stoopid Thursday!!
Stoopid flashy's holding owr bideos hostage and won't let them go so we's can post them!!! (they were GOOD too! Us playing wif owr new nip scratchy box).
That's all we got today. Hope y'alls isn't STOOPID too!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Sad Sunday
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Thoughtful Thursday & sum help
Meeko thinking, "Is that Daddy's metal birdie flying ofur owr howse?"
We need y'alls help. This flutterby has been around owr howse, But we don't know what kind it is. Does anycat else?? We also have Monarchs migrating through heer now.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
We STILL Remember ~ Sean Patrick Tallon

When aircraft crashed into the World Trade Center's twin towers, it was New York City's Bravest that did what they did best - head directly in to danger, in order to save lives. Firefighters, paramedics, and EMTs - side by side - as was the case so many times before.
Together with members of that city's Finest, they made their way to the heart of the tragedy. Grabbing their gear, the firefighters began rushing into the gigantic structures to assist with their safe evacuation, while the paramedics and EMTs began tending to the injured below.
It was while doing those jobs - in the kind of rescue that they had performed so well, so many times - that their lives were taken from us. (Taken from here)
Sean Patrick "Charger" Tallon was one of those such men. At 26, he had only a month or so left of being a "probie" (a probationary firefighter). Sean was one of the first responders, along with the other members of Ten House. Their station was right across the street from the World Trade Center. On the way up the stairs of Tower One, Sean helped a fellow firefighter that was having a heart attack, then he continued up with two more of his fellow firemen. They were trapped when Tower One collapsed.
Sean led an active and varied life. He was a Marine Corps Reservist. He also loved Irish music and playing the button accordion. He would practice for an hour or more on many evenings. The steady, easy flow of sweet hornpipes, tasty reels, and lively jigs would fill the house.
This is part of a song that was written for Sean, and was played at his funeral:
"Up the stairs boys, running to the top
Without a thought to slow or stop
Upstairs boys on 9/11 and they kept on going
to the gates of Heaven.
With the men of Ten House was Sean Tallon...
Although he wasn't the first, he wasn't the last...
With love of God and Country he never thought he could
see such acts of hate...
As we remember our Charger and the others
and shed a mournful tear for all his fallen brothers,
Although we didn't know them all,
we knew them well enough to know what they were made of...
And that was hero stuff.
written by Dereen and Marian Griffin
Sean left behind his parents, grandparents, sister and brother-in-law, and extended family in the United States, England, and Ireland, along with many friends. He is greatly missed by all.
May you rest in peace Sean Patrick Tallon. I would like to offer up this blessing:
Traditional Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind always be at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Thank you for all that you and your brothers do and have sacrificed for all of us! You and yours will be in my prayers. ~Rebecca Buchenot Sain
Check out these cool links (not sure if they're still avail):
2,996 Memorial List ~List of ALL the blog memorials!
Ten House Homepage~ They have an AWSOME site!!
Fire Store ~ Cool Stuff!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Finally a post!!
Now fur sum pict-shurs of us!!!
Meeko missin' Daddy.

Kiara talkin' to Momma.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Hope y'all are hafing a good week!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Violette Noelle

Saturday, August 09, 2008
Hope efurryone has a great weekend!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Breaking news & Pic-shurs - Part 1
This am the birdie that Momma caughted tonight. We're not sure what it is, but it eats nectar frum the hummie bird feeder. Momma wuz sitting in the lifing room when she heard sumfing crash into the front screen door! She wented to 'vestigate, and founded the birdie hanging on to the screen window beside the door. It looked kinda stunned. Momma gotted it off the window, and it perched on her finger. She wented to go get it water frum the birdie bath, 'cause she couldn't get to the nectar that wuz hanging and WUZN'T about to bring it into the howse wif us. After a little water, it chirpped and flew into the tree. Momma is gonna keep a eye owt for it.
This is a different birdie (maybe the male version of the ofur one?) that has been eating wif the hummies. Not sure what it is eifur. Momma finks it's in the oreo family. But none of her birdie books say anyfing about oreo's eating we're pretty stumped.
Kiara chillin' in her ham-mick. Sorta doin' the Q (with a twist).
Us sharing a bed. We NEFUR do this. EFUR. Momma wuz shocked.
Momma here: They are always hissing and growling at each other. The ONLY other time they did this was when we were moving and in unfamiliar territory. Kiara was on the bed first. While I was petting her, Meeko decided that she wanted up too. They stayed this way for a couple of hours, even changing positions. I knew no one would believe me if I told them, so I had to get pics.
Pic-shurs -Part 2
This am one of the 6, yes 6, hummie birds that we have. of course, any time Momma tries to get a pic-shur of all of them...they fly off.
These are the froggies that live under owr patio. We counted 6 of them! I (Kiara) like to stick my hed down in their hole to say hello! Momma sez that that isn't polite. They might think that you are trying to eat them. Besides she sez, you never know what kind of bad things could be in that snakes or big, scary spiders!
These are the silly squirrlys trying to eat the bird seed. Nevermind that they've got their own peanuts to eat. One of them was efun eating the hummie birds food!! Momma hadded to move it to the front yard. Momma fought that it wuz funny seeing one squirrl upside down wif anofur one watchin' him! Beans are easily amused sumtimes!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Edit after bideo upload: The sound is not synced wif the bideo (at least on owr view). We's not shur why it's nor rite....but, at least y'all get the idea of what she's trying to say.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Daddy did good on hims test today and only missed one question. He gets to fly wif the birdies in a week!!
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Ferst 100!!!
On the "buffet" front, we gots 3 hummingberds!!! Momma saw all 3 of them at once, that's how she know's it not the same one. One of them efun buzzed her while she wuz sitting owtside talking to Grammie on the phone!! (Hi Grammie!!). Momma finks that they were fighting ofur the feeder. There are 2 ofur birds eating owt of the hummybird feeder. We's not shur what they are, but fink that they might be Common Yellowthroat, or a Yellow-headed Blackbird. She needs to get a better view of them to figure it owt. But, she finks that there is a pair. She saw one boldly marked and another not so much. We fink that they all look YUMMY!!!
We'll keep y'all posted. And try to get pic-shurs.
Kiara heer- I gotted to chase a squirrley yesterday!!! I wuz owtside wif Momma when one came frew the yard lookin' fur food. I fink I surprised him!! He ranned up the tree, and then I started to eat the grass instaed. Guess I'm not all that good of a hunter!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Happy Anny-bersary!!!
Purrs and nose kisses,
~Meeko & Kiara
Friday, June 27, 2008
Finally Friday!!! (and a post!!)
ENOUGH about them....that's why they have their OWN BLOG!!! Hint, hint....
Lookie at this silly dove. We've nefur seen a dove trying to eat frum a feeder! He's furry entertaining to watch!!
This is owr backyard buffet!! Y'all are all welcome to come and enjoy. There's usually more, but Momma couldn't get them all in one shot!
THIS wuz in OWR backyard yesterday!! Can you 'alieve it?!?! Not one, but three woofies!!! AND another one came later!! They're Momma's friends dogs, and the ladies were all in their kiddie pool and brought the dogs ofur. The woofies wented in their little pool. You can see it in the background. Momma sed that two of the woofies gotted in the "big" pool wif them!